Hawkeye Council Constitution



The basis of the Corps is the Word of God (The Bible) according to the conception of the same as expressed in the three forms of unity of the Christian Reformed Church, i.e., the Heidelberg Catechism, the Cannons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession. The Hawkeye Council of the Calvinist Cadet Corps as a member of the Corps, subscribes to the same tenets.


The purpose of the Council is the development of a Christian Boys Club programmed along the lines set forth by the Corps and carrying out the same.


Any boys’ club subscribing to the constitution is eligible for membership. Clubs shall be represented by their counselors.


  1. The officers of the Council shall be: President, Secretary, Records Secretary, Treasurer, Quartermaster, and Vicar. These officers must be active counselors in their respective clubs.
  2. The above-mentioned officers, Congressmen and Chaplain shall constitute the Executive Board and shall formulate policies and procedures for the Council activities, subject to approval of the membership.
  3. A member of the council’s Developer of Counselor Education (DCE) team may sit on the board in an advisory, non-voting roll.


  1. PRESIDENT: To preside at all meetings, have a general oversight of the work and activities of the Council. He shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. He shall have a deciding vote in case of a tie.
  2. VICAR: Shall assume the duties of any the absence of that officer.
  3. SECRETARY: Shall keep an accurate record of the minutes and proceedings of all Council meeting, take a roll call at meetings and be responsible for all correspondence and mailing of minutes to Corps headquarters.
  4. RECORDS SECRETARY: Shall formulate and publish a counselors directory, maintain the counselors profile, maintain a human resource list, preserve all records and assist the Secretary when necessary.
  5. TREASURER: Shall keep systematic record of all monies collected or distributed, together with all invoices, reports, and other papers relating thereto. At the end of each fiscal year, he shall give a detailed report as to the finances of the Council. The books of the treasurer shall be audited at the end of each fiscal year by a committee of two.
  6. QUARTERMASTER: Shall maintain an inventory of all Council property. He shall be the supplier and primary contact for all supplies that are common to all Council members (i.e. derby cars). The Quartermaster shall see that Council members are informed about Cadet programs and materials.
  7. CONGRESSMEN: Shall faithfully represent this Council’s interests at all Corps meetings to which they are delegated. Their duties shall also include those specified in the Corps Constitution. Each Congressman shall be delegated an equal number of member clubs for the purpose of assistance and consultation.
  8. CHAPLAIN: Shall help program spiritual emphasis in counselor education and Council activities, assist the Council Board in finding solutions to problems with member clubs as well as with individual counselors and cadets.


The Council shall meet monthly, with the week and day to be set by the Council at the beginning of the fiscal year.


  1. The annual election of officers and congressman shall be conducted by ballot at the annual Cadet-O-Rama or other Counselors meeting in the month of March. Nominations for officers are to be made at the December meeting of the Executive Board. The Secretary is to notify all nominees by mail. Letters of non-acceptance to serve must be presented at the January Executive Board meeting. The ballot for election may, at the discretion of the Executive Board, be distributed by mail to all counselors of Hawkeye Council to be deposited at a scheduled meeting of Hawkeye Council, provided all clubs are notified of such election meeting at least two weeks prior to the meeting and all ballots are mailed to the counselors at least one week prior to the election meeting.
  2. All Executive Board members, except for the Chaplin are elected for three-year terms. These terms shall be staggered as follows:
    • Year 1 – Congressman and 2 Offices at Large
    • Year 2 – Congressman and 2 Offices at Large
    • Year 3 – President and 1 Officers at Large
  3. Should the number of Congressman change due to an increase or decrease in membership this schedule can be modified accordingly.
  4. The number of nominees shall be double that of the officers to be elected.
  5. The nominees for President and Congressman shall have previously served at least one full term on the Executive Board.  
  6. The members of the Executive Board shall elect its own officers (Vicar, Secretary, Records Secretary, Treasurer, and Quartermaster) annually from the five Officers at Large. Duties of the officers and Congressman shall commence at the first regular monthly meeting after the election.
  7. At the conclusion of his term elected officers are eligible to be nominated for a second term. Officers may serve two consecutive terms then must be off for one year before being eligible for nomination again.
  8. No more than two counselors from any one club shall be elected to the Executive Board.
  9. The Chaplin shall be appointed by the Executive Board for a three-year term, subject to review and approval.


This Council shall be affiliated with the organization known as “Calvinist Cadet Corps”, international in scope, denominationally Calvinistic. The Corps is a division of Dynamic Youth Ministries (formerly Young Calvinist Federation), incorporated under the laws of the state of Michigan.


  1. A quorum for constitutional amendments and election of officers shall be when a majority of the clubs are represented.
  2. A quorum for other business shall be a majority vote of all counselors present.


This constitution, with the exception of Articles I and II which may not be changed, may be amended at any regular meeting of this council by a majority vote of a quorum present provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and approved at a previous meeting to the Executive Board.


In case of dissolution of this Council, all property, real and monetary shall be divided by Calvinist Cadet Clubs of this council, pro rata of individual Calvinist Cadet Club members.


Section 1: Membership

  • Clubs
    1. All clubs desiring membership in the Council are to apply to a member of the Council.
    2. The club must have at least two meetings monthly during the season.
    3. All clubs upon becoming members agree to abide by the bylaws and to follow program patterns as developed by Corps.
  • Membership shall continue for all purposes until written notice of resignation has been filed with the Secretary, or until membership has been canceled by the Council.
  • Membership of each club shall be subject to cancellation by the Council if the club either intentionally violates the provisions of the constitution and/or the bylaws or is guilty of infidelity to the principles of the Council. Written notice of cancellation shall be given to each club whose membership is cancelled.
  • Counselors admitted to membership in the Council must meet the following requirements:
    1. They must be adult male members of a church subscribing to the basis of this constitution.
    2. They must be approved by the church board.

Each counselor meeting these requirements shall be entitled to one vote in business matters of the Council.

Section 2: Vacancies and Resignations

  • All vacancies in the Executive Board except the Congressman shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board.
  • Congressman shall be elected by counselors at a regular Council meeting from a nomination by the Executive Board.
  • Resignations of members of the Executive Board must be presented to the Executive Board for approval or disapproval.

Section 3: Committees

  • All committee chairmen shall be appointed by the Executive Board except as provided for. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the chairman of said committee subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
  • All clubs shall be visited by a Board member at least every other year to determine the spiritual tone and morale of the club, and also whether the Calvinist Cadet Corp pattern is being followed.

Section 4: Finances

All expenses necessary to carry into execution Article II of the constitution shall be borne by the Council as a whole. The funds to meet the necessary expenses shall be raised as follows:

  1. Contributions as recommended by the Executive Board of this council and approved by the club membership shall be paid to the council treasurer on or before January 1 of each year.
  2. Any other means that may by the Council be deemed fit and proper, but by no means conflict with the basic aims and purposes of the Council and Corps.
  3. No individual shall personally profit from any of the fundraising projects conducted by the Council.

Section 5: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Council shall begin on September 1 and end August 31 of the following year.

Section 6: Parliamentary Law and Procedure

Upon all questions of parliamentary law and procedure, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws and constitution, the Council, shall in all its meetings and activities be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order and amendments thereto and revisions thereof.

Created: April 1, 1983
– November 16, 1989
– January 15, 2015
– March 16, 2019

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